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Empower your organization with SysOPS.

Simplify system administration and DevOps with SysOPS - your complete toolkit

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Administration and Orchestration
Multi-Tenant/Multi-Cloud Architecture
Automation Centric
Logs And Monitoring
Governance First

SysOPS for everyone

We believe that every organization, regardless of its size or industry, can benefit from efficient and effective systems operations. That's why we've developed our DevOps product, SysOPS, to be a solution for everyone. Whether you're a developer working on a new application, a CTO overseeing your organization's technical infrastructure, or a startup trying to scale your operations, SysOPS can help you manage your systems more efficiently and effectively. Our solution provides a comprehensive set of tools and services that enable you to automate tasks, monitor system performance, and troubleshoot issues quickly and easily. With SysOPS, you can focus on building your business, confident that your technical infrastructure is being managed by experts. So whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, SysOPS can help you achieve operational excellence and drive business success.

Swift Deployment

SysOPS enables teams to work more efficiently and reduce time to market for new products and features. Businesses can achieve faster software development without sacrificing quality or reliability.The more quickly a development team can release new features or changes to existing software, the more responsive they can be to market and consumer demands. Due to the seamless implementation of software updates and repairs without the need for lengthy maintenance windows, swift deployment also helps to reduce downtime and disturbance to the user experience. Businesses may shorten their time to market, maintain their competitiveness, and give their customers a better user experience by prioritising quick deployment. But accomplishing rapid deployment also needs careful management and planning, since hasty deployments can result in poor quality or even downtime.In order to successfully deploy software, one must choose a balanced strategy that balances speed and quality.

Build & Tooling

Build and tooling covers everything, from testing frameworks and dependency management tools to build automation tools and version control systems. Being an essential parts of the software development lifecycle because they give developers the ability to create, test, and deploy high-quality software applications quickly and effectively. Teams may grow their development efforts and increase productivity with the aid of a well-designed build and tooling environment. Due to the ease with which version control systems and other tools make it possible to organise and exchange code changes, build and tooling also help engineers cooperate more successfully.

Multi-tenant/Multi-cloud Architecture

Teams can easily deploy and manage their applications in any cloud environment, from public clouds to private clouds and on-premises infrastructure. Our multi-tenant architecture enables teams to manage multiple projects and customers from a single platform, simplifying operations and reducing costs.Organisations can benefit from features like cost optimisation, redundancy, and flexibility by utilising numerous cloud providers rather than depending just on one. Developers can avoid vendor lock-in and make use of each cloud provider's distinct advantages by utilising a variety of them. Additionally, multi-cloud architecture enables businesses to spread out their workload among various cloud service providers, lowering the chance of downtime and enhancing overall performance. The implementation of a multi-cloud architecture, however, necessitates careful planning and management on the part of developers who must make sure that their applications are made to operate seamlessly across various cloud platforms. Additionally, managing several cloud providers can be difficult and demand specialised monitoring and optimisation tools and abilities.

Closed loop monitoring

Our closed loop monitoring system automatically detects and alerts teams of potential issues, allowing them to quickly investigate and resolve them before they become critical.Closed loop monitoring is a crucial procedure that entails using monitoring tools to gather information about the functionality and behaviour of software programmes and then applying that information to make adjustments and enhancements in the present. Closed loop monitoring can gather information on parameters like response time, error rates, and resource usage that can be used by developers to spot performance bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement. The analysis of this data enables developers to make well-informed decisions on how to enhance the performance and dependability of their applications, such as code optimisation, better database queries, or server configuration changes. Closed loop monitoring can also aid in spotting problems before they affect consumers and speed up problem-solving.

Automation Centric

SysOPS is built around an automation-centric approach, enabling businesses to automate key tasks and workflows and streamline their operations. Rapidly test and deploy code changes, reducing time to market for new products and features,as modern software development has incorporated the "automation-centric" methodology as a basic component. It encompasses the use of technologies and tools to automate time-consuming manual operations including testing, building, and deployment.Developers may work more efficiently and concentrate on high-value tasks like creating new features. Because automated testing and deployment can help find problems earlier in the development process, automation-centric development also results in higher-quality software. Using this strategy, businesses can shorten development cycles, lessen human error, and boost scalability and adaptability. Investment in tools and technologies like CI/CD pipelines, infrastructure-as-code, and test automation frameworks is necessary for automation-centric development. Organisations may streamline their software development processes, boost productivity, and provide their clients with high-quality software products by adopting automation-centric development.

Administration & Orchestration

The multiple facets of DevOps services and solutions include user and access management, configuration, monitoring, and incident management. Orchestration refers to the automation of deployment, scaling, and management of resources and services in a system. SysOPS help in the automation of system administration and orchestration, saving time and curtailing manual efforts.
  • done User and access management
  • done Patch management
  • done Load balancing and traffic management
  • done Centralized logging and monitoring

Multi-tenant/Multi-cloud Architecture

SysOPS can help you deploy and manage your applications and workloads throughout multiple clouds and servers as well as leverage the best possible services and features of each platform. Our multi-cloud and multi-server architecture feature also facilitates centralized management, monitoring, and reporting for your complete IT environment, allowing you to enhance visibility, governance, and compliance.
  • done Multi-tenant deployment and release management
  • done Automated Cloud & Server provisioning
  • done Data redundancy and disaster recovery

DevOps Unified

Eliminate the hassle of manual effort and errors, boost efficiency, and provide DevOps automation solutions swiftly and reliably. SysOPS provide DevOps automation services that allow continuous development and deployment together with configuration, for you to emphasize value-driven tasks like innovation and customer experience, and also help enhance collaboration and communication between different teams.
  • done Containerization and orchestration
  • done DevOps pipeline automation
  • done Workflow automation
  • done Monitoring and alerting automation
  • done Integration with other devOps tools and services

Automation centric

Automation is not merely an add-on, but rather a significant aspect of the DevOps culture and practises. Automate repetitive and manual tasks like testing, deployment, monitoring, incident response, etc. An automation-centric approach with DevOps helps IT teams attain greater agility, scalability, and productivity, and respond quickly to changing business needs and market demands.
  • done Event-driven Automation
  • done CI/CD Automation
  • done Incident response automation
  • done Configuration management automation

Logs and Monitoring

Collect and centralize logs from diverse resources with SysOPS like servers, applications, and devices together with visualizing them in real-time through dashboards and reports. Our monitoring tools also allow you to monitor different metrics like performance, availability, and capacity, and receive alerts when thresholds exceed or anomalies are detected. This helps you to identify and resolve problems prior to they start affecting your users and customers and enhance your IT systems and services periodically. Also, our multi-tenant architecture makes certain that your logs and monitoring data are secure, isolated, and compliant with regulatory prerequisites
  • done Centralized log collection
  • done Alerting and notification for critical events
  • done Proactive issue identification and resolution

Governance First

SysOPS allows you to manage and govern your IT environment with a proactive and holistic approach. SysOPS ensures compliance, security, and efficiency in your IT operations, at the same time empowering your teams to innovate and offer value to your business. Leverage a secure, compliant, and effective IT environment while allowing your teams to emphasize innovation and development.
  • done Centralized access control and permission management
  • done Automated policy enforcement and compliance checks
  • done Real-time monitoring and alerting for potential issues and risks
  • done Comprehensive audit trails and logging for all activities

Pivotal SysOPS Capabilities


Infrastructure automation

Automating processes and tasks related to managing, provisioning, and maintaining infrastructure to improve efficiency and reduce manual effort.


Configuration management

Managing and maintaining consistent settings, configurations, and states of infrastructure resources across systems for streamlined operations.


Automated Deployment

Automating the process of deploying software applications to target environments for consistent deployment workflows.


Infrastructure Orchestration

Coordinating the deployment, configuration, and management of multiple infrastructure resources to ensure smooth and efficient operations.

Enhance your agility and scalability with SysOPS!

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Multi-tenant/Multi-cloud Architecture

SysOPS enables a single instance of an application or service to serve multiple tenants, which are groups of users who share a common set of characteristics or requirements.


Simple Learning curve for end-users

SysOPS is simple and easy to learn.This makes it accessible to a wide range of users, from system administrators to developers.


Powerful and Flexible

SysOPS is a powerful and flexible tool that can be used for a wide range of automation tasks, from server configuration to application deployment and network automation.



SysOPS is idempotent, which means that it can ensure that a given state is achieved and maintained, even if the task is run multiple times.



SysOPS can be used to manage a small number of servers or a large number of servers, making it scalable to meet the needs of any organization.


Supports Multiple Platforms

SysOPS supports multiple platforms, including Linux, Windows, and UNIX, making it a versatile tool that can be used in any environment.


Integrates with Other Tools

SysOPS can be easily integrated with other tools, such as Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes, to create a powerful automation pipeline.



  • 1.What that can be achieved by infrastructure automation with existing servers?
  • 2.Can scripts be run periodically to understand the performance of the application that is to be deployed on the server?
    To run the scripts:
    • A script had to be created --> Publish it so that it can accessed by normal user --> Define the task by selecting the required options---> Submit.
    • Notification receptor can be changed by editing the task and mentioning the email address which is supposed to be notified
  • 3.Can the batch commands be run by creating scripts and configuring which server to run it. Will it handle if the server is down?
    We have zero server, which could be on any cloud account or offline server. All other servers are controlled from this server. If the zero server is connected to AWS server. Using application layer control user can restart the EC2 server by running the command. It can run the command only if Zero server has AWS keys or authorization
  • 4.Will the user have facility to create scripts and tasks?
    Yes, the user can create their own scripts.
  • 5.How does client do the scenarios? Do they mention what kind of scripts are supposed to be created?
    User can create their own scripts but the maintenance scripts are provided by SysOPS team.
  • 6.Is this product deployed on premise or on-cloud?
    The software UI will be on SysOPS side but the agents will be deployed on user landscape. As agents will be doing the data operations.
  • 7.Is there any limit on agents and users' registration?
    No user registration and agent reg. No limit on agents and scripts and users. Other products charge for the same.
  • 8.How much load does these agents put on server?
    Depends on the type of operations that are run on the server. Agents don’t consume RAM but heavy process consumes a lot RAM.
  • 9.Who can leverage the benefits of SysOPS?
    SysOPS is designed for companies of all sizes who are looking to improve their software development and deployment processes. Whether you're a startup or a large enterprise, our tools and services can help you streamline your workflows and attain faster time-to-market.
  • 10.Can SysOPS handle multiple environments?
    Indeed, SysOPS supports different environments, right from development, and staging, to production. You can use our tools to automate the deployment of your applications across different environments while maintaining consistency and ensuring that your infrastructure is always up-to-date.

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